Sweet Afton 2010

2009 Photos

sweet afton March 2010
My pearl pink / white rose in the front yard has three buds opening up. :) I can already smell this one.
sweet afton March 2010
This rose smells so good. Super strong. There are several flowers opening up right now, and I could just keep my nose in them and drink in the smell. The bush is growing every which way, though. I'll be glad when I can prune it next winter and start controlling that shape. (Since I bought it as a baby rose, it's recommended to not prune them for the first two years.)
late afternoon light March 2010
blowsy afton April 2010
sweet afton, so sweet July 2010
Such a lovely smell. Such a good bloomer. Such a weird grower... it goes every which way. I'm looking forward to this January when I can finally prune it and hopefully control its shape.
after the afton August 2010
As much as I like taking photos of perfect-looking flowers, sometimes the old ones can be interesting, too.
sweet afton August 2010
Looking pretty and smelling good.

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