Arizona Grandiflora 2009

2008 Photos

first 2009 arizona bud to open March 2009: First Bud of the Season!
Arizona was the leader for the first bud to crack in the 2009 rose season. It took its own merry time to open, but I could see the orange.
arizona-1558 April 2009
Arizona is slowly opening its first flower -- this is still the same flower that was a big bud when Mardi Gras hadn't yet burst.
arizona-1585-cage April 2009
Since my new-leafing roses kept getting chomped by some mysterious animal, I built cages to protect them for a while. This is the other cluster of buds on Arizona. Unfortunately they've grown right up into the top of the cage. I've got a pole pushing up that section, but it's going to be a problem soon.
early bee gets the pollen April 2009
I was trying to take pictures of Arizona -- something not particularly easy at the moment since it's inside a cage -- and a bee flew in without my noticing at first. But then I tried getting a couple of shots with the bee. I liked this one.
arizona May 2009: Second Flush
last look May 2009: Last Look
Since I'm planning to dig up two of the five roses in this cluster and move them to the front yard, I thought I'd get a last look at the area. I am going to miss them in their old spot. I like the roses here. But in the long run, this area will get changed, and in order to keep some of the roses they need to be moved. Might as well do that now while I'm getting the front bed all pretty.
arizona cluster May 2009: Last Look
I transplanted this rosebush to the front yard. It had a just-opened flower plus a couple of buds that had peeled open but not unfurled yet. I cut those and brought them inside before the transplant so they wouldn't immediately droop and die with the shock.

So now I've got my last little bundle of Arizona flowers for who knows how long. I know both transplanted bushes went into shock. I don't know how long it will take them to recover, if they do.

Meanwhile, I will enjoy my orange roses. The buds opened up a little, which is nice.

1st bloom after transplant July 2009: Recovered!
I'm so relieved that both of my transplanted roses are now doing well. The red one is growing fast and furious and Arizona has opened up its first flower. Two more buds are already cracking and there are several smaller buds still forming. Looks like they're going to be okay! :D
arizona-4764 October 2009
This rose is so full and fragrant this morning.
arizona twins October 2009
Some more Arizona buds gearing up to burst.
arizona pair opening up October 2009
Mmm, these roses are so pretty... smell good, too. I love when they open side by side like this.

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