Catalina Hybrid Tea

2008 Photos

first 2009 catalina bud April 2009
I just noticed today that Catalina had split. It looks peachy, like the first blossom was last year.
first 2009 catalina flower April 2009
It turned out not so peachy after all. The first Catalina bloom is a pretty solid pink.

It occurred to me today that I am spoiled by my roses. I was in the grocery store today and, while Dave was getting other groceries, I wandered over to the florist section and started smelling the flowers. And, while they're still pretty, the roses don't smell nearly as good to me as they used to. Mine smell better.

The carnations, on the other hand, smell delicious. :-) Until I have those to grow, I'll probably still stuff my nose in them at every store.

catalina-5513 May 2009
Caught a little bug flying up, but it just looked so pretty when we got back. This is one rose I didn't miss much activity on while on vacation... I deadheaded some just before leaving, and when I got back there was one just open and one just opening. A lovely welcome home. :-) I don't think I've ever been disappointed by Catalina.
bud spiral May 2009
The shape of this opening Catalina bud caught my eye this morning.
catalina June 2009
A new round of buds are starting to open on Catalina, and she was looking so pretty in the late morning sunlight.
incoming! June 2009
I was minding my own business taking this photo when an interloper zoomed into the frame. It's funny how much the bees like Catalina. I think I've seen more bees in Catalina than any other rose.
pollen gatherer June 2009
I think she'll be happier when the flower's open a little more, but she was sure trying!
the peach in catalina June 2009
One of the things I love about Catalina is the peachiness of it. It's not pink-pink most of the time, though as you can see by the tip of that one petal, it certainly can get closer.
catalina in flush June 2009
These cheerful flowers are the closest to the front door... impossible to resist admiring as I go in and out of my house.
catalina-7211 October 2009
Catalina took a rest, but is starting to bloom again. :) Pity I have to lean through thorns to smell this first one open.
catalina-7323 October 2009
I love my Catalina rose. The flowers are always so pretty, and they smell so good. Of course I can't SMELL this particular one... I had to stand on a library stool to even get a picture (a picture from the side, not the top). I'd have to climb a ladder to get my nose in it. :P

Neptune is budding up for a new flush and it's even taller! Neptune's practically touching the eaves. Catalina is easier to control than Neptune... with Catalina, I trim each spent flower down to about my chest height. She doesn't seem to mind the constant pruning, and just shoots out another tall stalk. Neptune really sulks when I do that, though.

playing with night photos, catalina bud October 2009
catalina bud at night October 2009

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