Cherish Floribunda 2010

2008 Photos
2009 Photos

blooming! January 2010
The unknown variety is blooming again. Someday I'll try to figure out what it is--besides pretty. :)
for once, there are flowers in my house January 2010
With rain expected all week, I knew I'd better get the last roses pruned. So I cut off the flowers and brought them inside. *sigh* Not that I had enough vases for them. I just have two small bud vases, so a cup was also pulled.

Carol Burnett is in the green cup, currently apricot-colored. Some of these flowers opened up yellow.

In the blue vase is the unknown salmon rose.

And the pope is down below. The blooms are so big I couldn't fit another vase in there.

cherish March 2010
It's nice to finally know the name of this rose: Cherish. (Or at least I'm about 95% sure I have it right.)
some new roses in the bed March 2010
My side fence and the orange tree above. I planted Heaven on Earth and Gina Lollabrigida here. Also redid the rock border so it actually looks like a border. Cherish and the unknown pink/red rose are in the background. That unknown one will be shovel-pruned once it finishes the bloom it's about to start, and then Papa Meilland (deep red) will take its place.
cherish April 2010
cherish & bud April 2010
cherish April 2010
I've always loved how this rose opens up with its soft pink. I'm happy I finally know what it is!
cherish April 2010
heaven, gina, and cherish April 2010
Three of the four roses in this section.

Cherish and Heaven on Earth are just starting to go nuts, while Gina has already gone bonkers. :>

I'm so glad I decided to get Gina. It may not have that strong a smell, but it makes up for it with quantity and quality.

a cluster of cherish July 2010
A cluster of Cherish.
cherish July 2010

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