Chrysler Imperial Hybrid Tea 2010

chrysler imperial March 2010
First flower! Chrysler Imperial has buds starting to open all over it. This is the furthest along, and it's open juuust enough to start smelling it. :) It has a really strong smell, which is why I got it. I wanted deep red smelly rose.
chrysler imperial the next morning March 2010
The morning after the last photo.
at the end of the day March 2010
At the end of the day.
distant drums & chrysler imperial March 2010
Pulling back to show the setting. They're in pots on the deck, on the other side of the rail from three roses that came with the house, Princess de Monaco, French Perfume, and Pristine.

Can see the gardenia in the background there.

a deck full of roses March 2010
Once I opened myself up to the idea of roses in pots... I went a little nuts. There are currently 13 potted roses on the deck.

The other pots are random: a collection of succulents, tomatoes, a leftover osteopermum, a grevillea, and a small mock orange. There are a couple of empty pots there, too. I filled up the long one today with lettuce.

The roses in the corner are listed off in another photo, but the ones on the left are Distant Drums, Chrysler Imperial, Julie Newmar, George Burns, and Windermere. Pristine is visible above the rail (looking very purple with the new leaves).

My orange tree is behind Pristine and next to the vertical beam.

roses in foreground and background March 2010
Distant Drums is in the background.
digging those reds August 2010

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