Double Delight 2009

double delight May 2009
A new bloom on Double Delight... really the first one I've gotten to see, since the first one opened while we were out of town and I only saw the falling-apart stage of it.
double delight July 2009
As always, it's a delight to stuff my nose in this rose and snort. :D Such a heady scent. And while it's still pretty short, at least I can just crouch to smell it instead of lying down.
ddelight-8030 July 2009
transformation July 2009
This is the same flower I posted a few days ago that was pink and cream/yellow.
double delight September 2009
My front yard looks so lovely with so many roses in bloom: Double Delight, Sweet Afton, Mr. Lincoln, Rock & Roll (which has tons of flowers right now), Arizona, and the unknown tall red are all in bloom. Mardi Gras is about to launch a massive wave, too.

I love pulling up into the driveway and seeing my pretty yard.too.

a delightful reverse October 2009
The back view.
double delight October 2009
Smells so good... I wish it were a little further off the ground so I didn't have to bend so much to smell it... but I am!
center of delight October 2009
This flower is so pretty (and smells so good!) that I keep taking pictures of it.

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