French Perfume Hybrid Tea 2009

2008 Photos
2010 Photos

French Perfume was repeatedly chomped in the spring and has never fully bounced back. It throws out a flower every now and then, but this is a really bad year for it. One full side of the plant looks like it's completely dead. I love this rose, so I'm just going to leave it alone and hope it recovers, but I would not be surprised if it doesn't. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy what flowers I get.

french perfume, at long last! May 2009
The first bloom of 2009 on French Perfume! She got chomped so badly so many times that I'd given up hope. But she finally flourished and put out some buds and this is the first flower open... and OHHHHHH it smells so good. French Perfume and Neptune are of similar strength. I practically want to drink the smell of this one. French Perfume was the first of all my roses to bloom last year, and that was the start of my rose obsession. Here's that first picture.
french perfume December 2009
Love that strawberry red. It opened up to a much paler pink, white, and yellow.
pale french perfume December 2009
It's pretty obvious that the weather's been cool. The roses reflect it, and none more so than French Perfume and Double Delight. In warmer weather it would have a lot more red/pink, but here it's almost white with that lemony middle.

French Perfume really hasn't recovered from its early spring chomp. Very few flowers this year. I decided not to prune it for spring 2010.

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