George Burns Floribunda 2010

george burns is getting ready March 2010
Ah, the joys of a floribunda... lots of buds in tight clusters. :) This one should be fun... it's a yellow/red swirly-striped rose.
lots of buds March 2010
There are over 20 buds on George Burns right now.
george burns March 2010
george burns March 2010
I love the yellow and red swirls. :) And they smell nice!
such happy colors April 2010
I feel the George Burns name is a bit of a misnomer... because this is a very cheerful looking rose.
clusters of george April 2010
I've been trying to make a move toward floribundas... roses that get more flowers on them at a time and bloom in clusters.
gorgeous george April 2010
Gorgeous George. That's an odd adjective to put in front of the name George, but it applies to the flower.

George is a common family name for me, (both my dad and grandfather had it), so anything like that is going to feel weird to me. :D I do love the flower, though! Mmmm. So pretty.

view past pristine April 2010
The big bush in the foreground is Pristine. The orange roses you can see through it are Outrageous. Bottom right corner is French Perfume, and above the rail from there is George Burns with the yellow/red swirls. Windermere isn't that visible in flower form, but the clusters of buds popping up next to George Burns are Windermere.

I love my mountains. :)

a pair of georges April 2010
A pair of Georges.
george burns August 2010
george burns September 2010
I've got several George Burns blooms peeking out like this.
close up September 2010
And a few George Burns blooms just out there ready to burst open.
george burns September 2010
george burns September 2010
I can never get enough of the red/yellow swirl...
good neighbors September 2010
Windermere and George Burns are next to each other, and both of them think they're in the wrong place... Windermere grows into George Burns, George Burns grows into Windermere. I like the look of them together, though. I just find it funny to find the dropped petals of the one in the other plant's pot.

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