Heaven on Earth Floribunda 2010

heaven on earth March 2010
Lightening to a truer pink as the flower opens.

It's been planted in front of the orange tree in the back yard.

heaven on earth March 2010
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this color. It's a gorgeous blend. I like how it's not pink in this part, orange in this part, and yellow in this part... all the colors blend completely together, very smooth.

It's been planted in front of the orange tree in the back yard. There were 40 buds on it when I bought it.

heaven on earth March 2010
I love how this flower is opening. :)
heaven on earth March 2010
An older blossom, but I liked the spotlight it was getting. :)
heaven on earth March 2010
Heaven On Earth... Har har har. Bad joke.

I just thought it was interesting. This bush spreads out quite a bit, and when I planted it this particular cane ended up on the ground. Not because it's broken or anything, but of the way the rose had spread while in the pot.

some new roses in the bed March 2010
My side fence and the orange tree above. I planted Heaven on Earth and Gina Lollabrigida here. Also redid the rock border so it actually looks like a border. Cherish and the unknown pink/red rose are in the background. That unknown one will be shovel-pruned once it finishes the bloom it's about to start, and then Papa Meilland (deep red) will take its place.
heaven on earth April 2010
cupped April 2010
I can't get enough of Heaven on Earth. The cupped shape especially appeals to me. I also like that where I planted it gets lots of fun shadows nearby even though the rose itself gets more than enough light.
heaven on earth April 2010
heaven on earth April 2010
heaven on earth April 2010
heaven on earth April 2010
Buds unfurling... they'd be fully open later in the day.
busy bee in heaven on earth April 2010
This is one of the flowers that was unfurling earlier in the day.
unfurled April 2010
And with incoming bee...
apricot goodness April 2010
Have I mentioned how much I love the apricot colors of this rose? :D
old to new April 2010
The stages of Heaven on Earth. The darkest flowers are the newest open, then they fade to a lighter pink, and finally almost to a creamy white.
heaven on earth June 2010
Heaven on Earth is starting up another flush. I still love this rose.
heaven on earth June 2010
heaven on earth, inside the house June 2010
I have a new vase!
heaven, gina, and cherish July 2010
Three of the four roses in this section.

Cherish and Heaven on Earth are just starting to go nuts, while Gina has already gone bonkers. :>

I'm so glad I decided to get Gina. It may not have that strong a smell, but it makes up for it with quantity and quality.

it's back! July 2010
Heaven on Earth's first flower from a new flush. Oh how I love this rose... mmmm. Still my current overall favorite.
heaven on earth July 2010
two shades of heaven July 2010
Two shades of heaven.
I'm in heaven... August 2010
Ah, the perfect shade, the perfect shape, and the perfect smell. Only problem was this cluster is on a long stem that's shot off sideways and is pointing downward. So I'm holding it up in this photo and trying to keep my hand out of the shot. I think that's my only gripe with Heaven On Earth... the flowers tend to bow downward. It's a pretty effect, but I like seeing their faces, too! (And they're easier to smell.)
heaven on earth September 2010
Ahhhh. The flowers on this bush make me so happy.

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