Love Grandiflora 2008

2009 Photos
2010 Photos

candystripe rose April 2008
This is the first bud opening on the last rosebush to bloom, so it's the final color that I'm figuring out. Not fully open yet, but it's a dark pink with white stripe so far.

Makes me think of a piece of candy. :>

pink rose April 2008
And the last of the first bloomers is pretty much open. Not as stripey as it looked like to start, but a nice bright pink.
double rose! July 2008
This opened up today and I was surprised to find a distinctly quartered center. This bush has flowered before and not done that. I think this stem grew off of a sucker that I left alone because it had developed buds. I only lop off the suckers that show no sign of buds. But it's an interesting new twist to the back yard! A second one has just started to open on another cluster, so we'll see how they compare.

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