Mardi Gras Floribunda 2010

2008 Photos
2009 Photos

last mardi gras of the season January 2010
This was the second-to-last rose on Mardi Gras before I hard-pruned it this evening.
pruning mardi gras January 2010
I find pruning so sad, especially when the bushes are in bloom. Not that Mardi Gras had any flowers except this one, but still! I cut around it and left it until last to cut.
mardi gras, leafing out February 2010
An idea of what the roses do after I prune them. Mardi Gras is currently the furthest along (and has some growth more advanced than this with the leaves already open).
first flower on mardi gras! March 2010
First flower on Mardi Gras!
catching the light March 2010
This first flower on Mardi Gras is down along the side of the plant where it gets a lot of shade but also picks up some sun dapples. It makes for interesting effects.
catching the light, playing with photoshop March 2010
I decided to play with Photoshop a bit to see how that sunlight would stand out.

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