Princess de Monaco Hybrid Tea 2008

2009 Photos

Early April 2008
The first bud opens up.
Early April 2008
Looking up to the sky.
Early April 2008
I have fun playing with night photography.
Early April 2008
To deal with the aphid problem, I bought a cup of ladybugs. Princess de Monaco was the hardest hit by the aphids, so I let most of them go there. They did a great job - the aphids were wiped out and I only have to deal with a few here and there.
Early April 2008
Ladybugs exploring their new habitat.
Early April 2008
Ladybugs in a Princess de Monaco bloom.
Mid April 2008
The first flower opens up and has gorgeous lighting.
Mid April 2008
The first flower has a distinct cup to the bloom.
Mid April 2008
Mid April 2008
Mid April 2008
Mid-Late April 2008
Mid-Late April 2008
Side view of the bush. A glimpse of French Perfume in the back.
Mid-Late April 2008
A step back for once to see most of the bush. So pretty.
Late April 2008
Late June 2008
Late June 2008
Early July 2008
Side view closeup.
Early July 2008
Mid July 2008
A cluster opens up.
Early July 2008
bud fuzz November 2008
A piece of fuzz landed on this Princess de Monaco bud. I liked the way like the light was hitting it.
monaco dew November 2008
There was a lot of morning dew.

One of the problems I'm encountering with my switch from the little compact camera to the DSLR is that I can't do my old trick of holding the camera over my head and taking a picture. I got pretty good at figuring out how to frame something without being able to see what I was framing. I'm not as good at that with the DSLR. If I get a good shot like that, it's a fluke. This is one such shot.

It always seems like such a bother to go get a step stool, though.

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