Papa Meilland Hybrid Tea

I didn't need more roses. But I was up north near a nursery I've only been to once before, and I decided to stop by. That was most likely a mistake. I was there for two hours and left with four roses. I decided I needed more deep colors. For some reason I haven't gotten many deep reds. I recently got Chrysler Imperial, so there's one in the back, but I felt I should have another. Papa Meilland smells incredible, and that was a lot of what decided me.

I'm waiting to plant Papa in the ground near the back gate next to Gina Lollabrigida and Cherish. I plan to shovel-prune one of the roses there, but since it's about to bloom, I'll wait until that round of flowers wraps up. Might as well get a few more roses out of it, right? :)

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