Papa Meilland Hybrid Tea 2010

papa meilland March 2010
I wanted a dark color. I thought about a deep plum, but ended up with deep red. I miss all the deep red I had two years ago from the suckers.

It has an incredible smell, too.

papa meilland March 2010
super smellers July 2010
When I brought these two roses inside, I spent the next several days picking them up and sniiiiiffing. They both are very strong smellers.

Dave's not fond of Papa Meilland, he says it's too citrusy for him to be a proper "rose" smell (though he likes it otherwise), but he loves Rock & Roll (it's his favorite rose for colors, patterns, and smell). It's the only rose he's enthusiastic about.

I love them both. I love the citrus-leaning roses AND the rose-rose ones.

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