Pristine Hybrid Tea 2009

2008 Photos

pristine not looking very pristine May 2009
There are two problems with Pristine: not much smell and almost as soon as a flower opens the petals fall off. A bloom will last maybe a full day. Sometimes two, but I don't think I've seen one keep its petals for longer than that.

I still think it makes for an interesting picture every now and then, though. :-)

pristine looking very... pristine May 2009
IThe weather's been very cool (and dreary and overcast!) the last couple of days. The effect on the roses is interesting, though, since heat brings out different colors. When it's warmer, Pristine has a lot more pink. I thought this almost completely white version was neat to see.

I'd like the sun back now, please!

bird feeders June 2009
I moved the bird feeders so I can see them from the swing. They don't seem to mind. :-) It's kind of fun to have the regular feeder back up. I'd been using a seedcake one for a while in its place. That attracted the grosbeaks (yay!) but it also attracted a ton of crows. Would like to reduce that.
pristine July 2009
Pristine is certainly a pretty rose... I just wish it stayed pretty for longer and had a smell!
pristine October 2009
Pristine has had several lovely blooms out in the last few days. They'll all be falling apart tomorrow, of course. :>
ruffly pristine November 2009
It's all ruffly!
a view of roses November 2009
I'm really liking having roses on the deck. And Pristine has been growing predominantly in that direction for some reason.
unfurling December 2009
The inside of a Pristine bloom. It almost looks like a pure white flower! Only the outermost petals of this flower have pink on them. Too much cold weather.
pristine December 2009
Pristine may not have the strongest smell and its petals fall way too fast, but it's certainly a strong plant. Tall, sturdy, and it keeps putting out the flowers.

More weather signs: only a touch of pink in the outermost petals.

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