Unknown Red Hybrid Tea

One of the roses that came with the house. It's in the back yard next to the back gate. It has sturdy blooms, but it's hard to tell what the foliage is like, because this plant has been almost completely taken over by the Dr. Huey wild stock roses. This is the one I'm going to let them stay on, because they're so plentiful and, well, the cultivated rose is also red. The result is a mix of large and small red roses, which is kind of nice. This is going to focus on the cultivated rose. This is the one I'm assuming I'll never find out the variety, and I'm not worried about finding out the variety.

Edit: This rose was shovel-pruned in October 2009.

Mid April 2008
Mid April 2008
Mid April 2008
Mid April 2008
Early June 2008
Early June 2008

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