Windermere David Austin Rose

My local garden center had a huge fall clearance sale in October 2009 that included 50% off roses. Like I could resist that. I went on the first day of the sale at opening and two hours later came home with four roses. This was one of them. When I spotted it... it was an immediate grab. I knew I had no choice but to get it. My friend Julie fell in love with this rose when she visited me and we went to Balboa Park. She didn't have any luck finding it for her own garden, though. So I had to grab it for mine. :) I already grow one rose that is officially Julie's: Mardi Gras. Now I have two.

This is my first David Austin rose, and I don't know how well it will do, but here's hoping. It's supposed to be a good container rose, which is all the good since I've run out of planting space.

EDIT: It turned out to be a mislabeled rose. I haven't a clue what it really is. I'll try to get a real Windermere at some point, and meanwhile I'm keeping this one around. Dave likes it, which is always a plus.

EDIT #2: I have exchanged the rose that was mislabeled for a real Windermere. The garden center was really nice about ordering a replacement Windermere for me at no charge (even though David Austin roses have increased in price by $10/rose since the time I bought it).

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